Conditioned for Speed. Committed to Strategy.


When you join the table at Sherpa CPG, our first task is to help clear your plate so you can focus on Big Picture growth for your company. Our strategic approach to innovation isn’t built solely on speed. We look beyond Point B from the start, prepping you for sustainable success in the long haul.

How We Work With You, For You

Sherpa CPG is committed to creating products that are optimized for peak performance in a real-world retail environment. Whether you’ve just arrived at basecamp, or eyeing the next peak to conquer, we’re here for it. And here for you.

Our uniquely comprehensive approach to product development draws from in-depth, hands-on expertise in both formulation and commercial process. Understanding the attributes, target claims and sensory non-negotiables of your end product help us to be creative yet focused in finding solutions for commercialization. Searching for a co-packer or considering an equipment purchase without pinning down the specifications of your product can lead to a lot phone calls that lead nowhere. Your time is too precious to waste.

From diligent sourcing to on-site troubleshooting, we are aggressive stewards of your QA/QC and sensory targets through any transition of your product into new packaging, new co-packing facility or new supply chain. We pro-actively look for smoke to anticipate fires, allowing us to avoid standard bottlenecks and maneuver creatively through the unexpected.

Our core service is structured as a monthly retainer, custom-tailored to your goals and target timeline. As a boutique firm, you work directly with Victoria and category experts to ensure that strategy and execution are aligned with your team’s priorities and roles. We represent each of our brand partners with great pride and enthusiasm, and you can expect us to show up polished and personable as an ambassador for your values and standards.

We look forward to serving you and learning about your Big Idea, from twist-top cap to gusset bottom.

Ready to take the first step? Let’s talk.